Digital Marketing Consulting

Worried about how effective your online marketing really is? Find the right consultant can help you plan and execute more successful digital marketing campaigns.

What is Digital Marketing Consulting?

We offer this service to agencies, companies, brands, and organisations. Through consultations, research, expertise, experience, and hard work, they help their clients see the pathway to ROI and a more effective digital presence.

Whatever your business goals, this service exists to help you achieve them. Because consultants are digital marketing experts, they can spot opportunities, pitfalls, and areas that require adjustments in your current marketing campaign.

They Can:

  • Identify which methods, platforms, and channels are most effective for advertising their products and services.
  • Identify key technologies and create a tech stack that supports your digital marketing.
  • Produce a marketing strategy based on sound data and research that is more likely to deliver positive results.
  • Optimise your current marketing budget, digital marketing tools, strategy, and campaigns.

P.tch Digital Marketing Consulting Services

We follow a proven and tested method that leads to results. First, we attain your goals and aspirations for your marketing efforts and relevant current strategies. Next, we execute an in-depth audit on all your social media marketing and performance on all digital channels.

Pitch Methodology

The Audit

This audit helps us identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to your performance on social media platforms or any digital platform. To accurately assess your performance, our digital consultants compare competitor performance and look at industry averages on the relevant digital marketing channels. Our research usually makes clear which online marketing channels would be most beneficial for your brand.

The Audit - P.tch
The-Strategy - P.tch

The Strategy

Based on the findings of our audit, we can compile content marketing strategies, social media strategies, or fully comprehensive digital strategies, both long-term and short-term. The entire marketing strategy should help you reach your business objectives within the parameters of your budget. Whether you want quality leads, an increase in engagement, more sales, or more email subscribers, the strategy will be built to achieve that.

Buyer Personas

One of the most essential parts of your strategy would be identifying buyer personas that embody who your potential clients and customer base are. Different marketing techniques and communication forms are effective for different types of audiences. A buyer persona profile helps you put a face or avatar to each audience representation.

The identity of your personas will depend on your target customers and the behaviour research reveals around your ideal audience. Do they tend to read through a blog post or skip it? Are they interested in the convenience or cost of your service? Let us help you answer these questions.

Buyer Persona- P.tch
Content-Pillars - P.tch

Content Pillars

Content pillars make clear the tone of voice and copy formats for each identified persona, based on their needs and wants profile. Deep customer insights feed into how we create content suited to each persona. These content pillars become a standard from which marketing teams can build advertising campaigns.

Tech Stacks

Modern marketing is about more than creating a few adverts online. Nowadays, AI-empowered technology is available to automate, streamline, and optimise everything you do online. Let us help connect you to the tools you need with a tech stack designed to support your customer services processes, advertising campaigns, reporting, social listening, content marketing, and much more. With the right technology, you can achieve so much more online!

Tech Stacks - P.tch
Toolkit- P.tch


We can create a toolkit with all the templates, information, and design elements required for execution of the strategy. This includes a corporate identity document. With this toolkit, any team with basic knowledge of how to use tech stacks and the relevant digital channels can execute your strategy online using this toolkit.


Should you require it, our experienced teams of experts are ready to execute your strategy. We are experts in SEO campaigns, content marketing, Google Ads, social media campaigns, relevant social media networks, website design, and everything you need to make your digital advertising and efforts

Toolkit- P.tch

Why is Digital Marketing Consulting Important for Your Business?

  • You can reduce your advertising costs by reducing spend on irrelevant platforms, audiences, and content streams. Advertising on platforms without first consulting the experts is like aiming at a target in the dark. But with the help of a conversion optimization expert, your budget can lower, yet your results increase!
  • Advertising budgets result in more conversion for the goals you are aiming at. This happens because every element that goes into creating and executing these campaigns is based on research, goals, evidence, and industry knowledge.
  • Company decision-makers are not necessarily digital experts and do not usually have the time to research competitors and audience behaviours (etc). You can spend your valuable time on what's really important, and we can build your online presence for you.
  • When you know which advertising channel leads to the most success, you can focus your efforts and budget on these channels and cut out the clutter. Irrelevant content that can harm your online presence and lower your results gets reduced.
  • Continual social listening and reporting can help you keep fine tuning your strategy and means of execution for consistently high performing campaigns.
  • Deep customer insight helps you understand your audience and prospective buyers more. This can help you connect with them better, leading to a more loyal customer base. it can also help you improve your customer services processes to speak their language and satisfy their needs.
  • Do you need Google Search Console or Google Data Studio? Should you install Canva or is Adobe Suite a better fit? Are you spending more hours than necessary answering spam messages on email and social media? We can connect you with the digital tools that reduce time wasted and increase results.

There are so many business benefits to digital constancy, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating. With many successful case studies to showcase how effective our method is, we are confident we can take your online presence to the next level. Talk to us today about digital marketing transformation and how we can help you overcome business challenges to get more results online.

Connect with us

Our team is ready to guide and assist you through the digital implementation and marketing process. Please submit your query below.